An insightful and encouraging word which is much needed in these times. Thank you Brother John and may the peace of God which transcends all understanding be with you and your family.

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Thank you John.. as i railed at God yesterday in so much mental anguish i asked why? Why? He answered me through you. Shalom

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Thank you for your explanation.

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Very timely. This horrible attack against our beloved Israel has me totally broken and confused. This wonderful explanation has been comforting and much needed.

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Very timely. This horrible attack against our beloved Israel has me totally broken and confused. This wonderful explanation has been comforting and much needed.

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Yes, groaning is a good word for my heart's cry!

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Brother John Parsons this was a good scholarly tour through the soul's mental labyrinth to understand pain and suffering and the GOD YHWH who cares. It's a deficient withered soul that blames GOD for the evil and suffering. We must as Job had to do, "gird up our loins" and "face the Whirlwind." To those who are "in Him" are more than Conquerors, with firm minds. As miniature high priest warriors outfitted with the whole armor we withstand the enemy, Satan. We must make our obedience complete and be blameless, without wrinkle, Set-Apart, spotless, without blemish, without evil, regardless of circumstances or the suffering. And not cause Him to "suffer more." And all those in Him, the True Vine, are True Israel Grafted-in, living branches, producing fruit, prepared for the Master's use. Daily we're to expect for our little tabernacle of flesh to collapse and join His. Double Shalom in haMashiyach.

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