Excellent teaching that explains the difficult-to-understand passage in John about eating Jesus's flesh and drinking his blood. Thanks!

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Awesome and insightful teaching. Thank you for giving an excellent overview of this verse. I have not the privilege, until now, to receive the deeper study of these passages. I am truly thankful for your faithfulness to the Kingdom of HaShem. Many blessings to all you do.

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Thank you!

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Amen! Just as the Olot (Burnt Offerings) started and ended the daily offerings. Y'SHUA the Aleph and the Tav, the Author and Finisher of our faith starts and finishes our lives, starts and finishes our days. Like the Olot (Burnt Offerings) we are fully consumed by HIS Consuming Fire. Commanded to keep that fire going day after day to Draw Near (Karav) day after day, as all of these offerings (Karbanim) were Gifts to Draw Near! May we share the radiating heat, warmth, and light of HIS ETERNAL LOVE this day and forevermore! Amen!

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So very grateful as you walk us through; Parashat by Parshat. You have invested so much in all of us (more than we know), that I must ask you to pass along our deep gratitude and blessings to your equally dedicated wife and family. I am eternally thankful for your efforts. I am merely one brother, of many, who are being transformed by the power of scripture; divinely unpacked by your avodah ha'lev.

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